Below is a list of abbreviations Q often uses in Q posts. When new abbreviations are used by Q, after some time, the community of Anons generally comes to a consensus (although not always unanimous) on what the definition is for a abbreviation. The definitions are not guaranteed accurate, they are sometimes the best and most accepted guesses from the community.
#2 Andrew McCabe, Former FBI Director
+ Soros Family
++ Rothschild Family
+++ House of Saud
187 Police Code for Murder
4, 10, 20 Donald J. Trump
5:5 A radio communications expression that means "loud and clear". One of the fives represents the S units of reception strength. The other five is a rating of the signal clarity. Five by five is a good, clear signal. Five by five by extension has come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication. It is sometimes used as slang term to mean "everything is good".
AS Rep (D) Adam Schiff or Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
ATL Atlanta Georgia
AUS Australia
AW Anthony Weiner, former Democratic Congressman (NY)
Adm R Admiral Michael S. Rogers, Director of the NSA
Alice in Wonderland Hillary Clinton and the Bloody Saudi Arabia
Anon Anonymous
BC Bill Clinton
BDT Bangladesh Taka, ref. Bangladesh or Blunt and Direct Time
BHO Barack (Hussein) Obama
BIS Bank of International Settlements
BO Board Owner
BO Bruce Genesoke Ohr (born March 16, 1962) is a former United States associate deputy attorney general of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)
BOB Robert Mueller, former Director of the FBI
BOD Board of Directors
BP Border Patrol
BP Bill Priestap, an American attorney and intelligence official. Since 2015, he has been the assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division. He was Peter Strzok's supervisor and is now a cooperating witness.
BUZZF BuzzFeed
C-A CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
C-INFO Classified Information
CA California
CA Canada
CC Chelsea Clinton
CD Camp David: A country retreat for the President of the United States. It is located in the wooded hills of Catoctin Mountain Park near Thurmont, Maryland. It is officially known as the Naval Support Facility Thurmont, because it is technically a military installation, and staffing is primarily provided by the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps.
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CF Clinton Foundation
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CM CodeMonkey, 8ch/8kun Administrator
COC Chain of Command
COMMS Communications
CS Senator (D) Chuck Schumer
CS Christopher David Steele (born 24 June 1964) is a former British intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. He ran the Russia desk at MI6 HQ in London between 2006 and 2009. In 2009 he co-founded Orbis Business Intelligence, a London-based private intelligence firm. He authored a dossier that claims Russia collected a file of compromising information on U.S. President Donald Trump.
CTR Correct the Record
Clowns/Clowns in America Negative CIA Agents
D5 D5 is the most severe level of avalanche. In Q posts this can mean, "the snowball has begun rolling, there is no stopping it now". The letter "D" is also the 4th letter of the alphabet which could indicate D5 = 45, meaning President Trump, the 45th President of the United States. D5 could also refer to a chess move; Bishop to D5. There is no stopping it now.
D's Democrats
D-J Department of Justice
DC District of Columbia
DEFCON Definite Confirmation (Time Minutes)
DET Detachment
DJT Donald J. Trump, President of The United States
DNC Democratic National Committee
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOJ/D-J Department of Justice
DOPEY Alwaleed bin Talal
DS Deep State
DWS Debbie Wasserman Shultz (D)
EBS Emergency Broadcast System
EH Eric Holder
EM Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS Emergency Management System or Emergency Medical Services
EO Executive Order
ES Eric Schmidt, former Executive Chairman of Google and Alphabet
EU European Union
F Foreign
F&F Fox and Friends
F-I Federal Bureau of Investigation
F2F Face to Face
FB Facebook
FED Federal Reserve
FF False Flag
FISA Foreign Intelligence Surviellance Act
FLYNN Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump
FOIA Freedon of Information Act
FVEY Five Eyes, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States
G-2 Military intelligence staff of a unit in the United States Army
GITMO Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp
GJ Grand Jury
GOOG Google, NASDAQ designation
GS George Soros
H Haiti
H-wood Hollywood
HA/Huma Huma Abedin, top aid of Hillary Clinton
HEC United States House Ethics Committee
HI Hawaii
HK Hong Kong
HRC Hillary Rodham Clinton
HS Homeland Security
HUMA Harvard University Muslim Alumni
HUSSEIN Barack (Hussein) Obama
HW Hollywood
IC Intelligence Community
ID/IDEN Identification
IG Inspector General
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
IW Information Warfare
JA Julian Assange
JB John Brennan, Former CIA Director
JC James Clapper, Former DNI Director or James Comey, Former FBI Director
JFK General Kelly (John Francis Kelly)
JFK John Fitzgereld Kennedy, assassinated 1963
JK John Kerry or Jared Kushner
JOHNNY John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan
JP John Podesta
JPC John P. Carlin, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General for National Security. Carlin was a Senior Justice Department official in charge of the National Security Department (NSD). His last day in this position was Oct. 15, 2016
JS John F. Solomon is an American media executive and columnist. He is currently vice president of digital video and an opinion contributor for The Hill. He is known primarily for his tenure as an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times.
Kansas Mike Pompeo
K BROS The Krassenstein brothers, Brian and Ed, based out of South Florida. Shills who are paid (exposed via undercover video) to post negative comments on every Twitter post by POTUS, and to sow division. Twitter generally keeps K BROS comments on POTUS tweets at the top.
KKK Klu Klux Klan, founded by Democrats
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
L or LDR Lynn de Rothschild
LDR Lord de Rothschild
LL Lorreta Lynch, Former Attorney General under Pres. Obama
LP Lisa Page. Assigned as Special Counsel to FBI Deputy Andrew McCabe in 2015. Lisa resigned from her post in 2018 after text messages with her lover, FBI Agent Peter Strzok, revealed their anti-Trump bias.
LV Las Vegas
MAGA Make America Great Again, Trump Slogan
MAY Theresa May, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
MB Muslim Brotherhood
MEME An image that is spread widely online especially through social media. Memes are often used to circumvent censorship on social media when media giants try to silence the spreading of a message that is contrary to a (false and/or manipulative) narrative that they want to promote. A meme generally consists of an image with a message (text) merged into it and saved as a new image (the meme) which is then posted online and shared widely.
MI Military Intelligence
MIL Military
ML Martial Law
MM Media Matters
MO Michelle Obama
MOGUL USSS codename for President Trump.
MOS Mossad: The national intelligence agency of Israel. It is one of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community, along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security).
MP Mike Pompeo
MS-13/MS13 Latino Drug Cartel
MSM Mainstream Media
MW Maxine Waters (D) of California
MZ Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NG/NAT G National Gaurd
NK North Korea, also NORK, NOK, NOKO
NO Nelly Ohr. Wife of Bruce Ohr. Fusion GPS hired Nellie, an independent contractor and Russia specialist, to conduct research on Donald Trump, particularly with respect to his Russia activities.
NP Nancy Pelosi or Non-Profit
NSA National Security Agency
NSD National Security Department
NV Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer
NWO New World Order
NYT New York Times, American newspaper
OCMC Overhead Collection Management Center
OO Oval Office
OP Original Poster of Operation
PEOC Presidential Emergency Operations Center
P The Payseur family. One of the most secret and most powerful families in North America has been the Payseurs. They have been so powerful that they could hide their wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies.
PG PizzaGate or PedoGate
PL Presidential Library
PM Prime Minister
POTUS President of the United States
PP Planned Parenthood
PR Paul Davis Ryan Jr. is an American politician serving as the 54th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives since 2015.
PS Peter Strzok, FBI agent and former lover of FBI agent Lisa Page
PVG Shanghai Pudong International Airport
P_PERS A personal message from President Trump
Q Person with extremely high level of security clearance
Q+ A Q post by President Trump, a Q post signed by POTUS or a reference to POTUS.
R/Renegade USSS codename for Barack (Hussein) Obama
R's Republicans
RBG Ruth Bader Ginsburg
RC Rachel Chandler, a former sex-slave of Jeff Epstein, is now a recruiter/handler of underage children for Epstein's island (Little Saint James) and clientele
RC Red Cross
RG Rudy Giuliani, a American politician, attorney, and public speaker who served as the 107th Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. He currently acts as an attorney to President Donald Trump.
RNC Republican National Committee
ROT Rotation
ROTH Rothschild
RR Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General
RT Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State. Can also mean in real time. Example: These photos were taken in real time and delivered to Anons.
RYAN Paul Ryan (R), Speaker of the House
SA Saudi Arabia
SAP Special Access Programs
SC Sara A. Carter is a national and international award-winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration and front line coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor.
SC Supreme Court
SD State Department
SEC Security or Secure
SESSIONS Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)
SH Sean Patrick Hannity is an American talk show host and conservative political commentator. Hannity is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. He also hosts a cable news show, Hannity, on Fox News.
SIG Special Interest Group
SIGINT Signals Intelligence
SIS Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6 (United Kingdom) or Signal Intelligence Service, which was a United States Army codebreaking division (1927 to 1942)
SK South Korea
SOTU State of the Union
SR Susan Rice, Obama National Security Advisor
SR Seth Rich
SS Secret Service
ST Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
T2 Terminal 2
TG Rep. (R) Trey Gowdy
Timberwolf USSS codename for George H. W. Bush
TM Team
TSA Transportation Security Administration
U1 Uranium 1
UK United Kingdom
US United States
USMC United States Marine Corps
USSS United States Secret Service
VJ Valerie Jarrett, Former Senior Advisor to President Obama
WH White House
WHITAKER Matthew George Whitaker is an American lawyer and politician currently serving as Acting United States Attorney General. He was appointed by President Donald Trump on November 7, 2018 at Trump's request